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Alexandr Korol
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Page 374

Post by Alexandr Korol »

like it”. These people accept all genres, rap and rock, and all worlds are open to them. And there are people who are very attached to one thing and won’t let go. They don’t even understand it. Some of my readers thought they had changed their world when they made some subtle changes. They say: “I ordered pizza today, even though I never did.” Well, just because you ordered a pizza today, you didn’t change your multiverse. You just made a small change. Same with music. There might be a person who only listens to Russian pop and they tell me they listened to “The XX”. I tell him: “So what? They have a Russian pop frequency. So what? You listened to my music for a few days to find out what I was listening to, and you still have the old frequency. You were still listening to my music from your own point of view. You see? That is the point. I have always said that music is the soundtrack of life. This is true. Music is the soundtrack of the multiverses. It is understandable that we have approached it from the opposite direction and practised replacing objects to create a positive effect. In general it happens naturally, but in the opposite way. You can judge a person by a playlist. There might be a situation where I meet a friend who has become a drug addict and I might say to her: “Hey, do you remember any Angus and Julia Stone songs?” She would respond to me in a very rude and rough way: “Yeah, but I am so over it. You are such a child, Alex”. I would ask her what she was listening to and she would show me some terrible frequency of drug addicts. People with broken souls are attracted to anything that is broken. They usually like T-shirts with pictures of barbed wire and distorted scribbles. They like distorted logos and pictures of broken things. That’s what they like. They like weathered jewellery because their souls are broken. This is a multiverse of mentally ill people and many fall under the charm of this world. That is a sign of a very bad multiverse. As you can see, I prefer squares, circles and tetrahedra. I like order and proportion. That is important.
Now back to the question above. I have never pulled anyone out. There are people who were beings to begin with and they were able to go from world number 5 to world number 7. There are many people like that. But there were many people who were ordinary people in world number 5, and when I gave them world number 7, they moved to that world. But as soon as I stopped communicating with them, they started talking to the thugs of World Number 5 and went right back to their old world. But when those people get to world number seven,