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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

if it’s to sell hats, to open a shop or a cafe, it’s like I see it right away, this place, the shop or the cafe, the hats, – that is, I see that it exists. So I have 100 per cent confidence because I see how it looks, how it works and that everybody likes it. I mean, I like it and I think it’s good. And if somebody suddenly offers me something or advises me on an idea for a business or a project, but I don’t see the future in it, then I don’t take it up and I don’t do it. But you see, I didn’t know at the time that it was a vision of the future. But just so you understand, to this day, since I started writing books, most importantly, unlike all of you, I don’t believe in esotericism at all. Just so you understand, that’s why it’s always funny to me when some schizophrenic writes to me and tells me that I’m something, someone or something else out there. I’m the ultimate sceptic. I don’t believe in any nonsense. Ever. It’s rubbish. That’s always been my approach. Everything has to be logically explained and proven; then it’s there. No illusions. I don’t fly with illusions. How can you live like that? It’s like being unconscious. It’s like being drunk or in some kind of prostration. And I’m always in favour of consciousness. And then, at that time, when I was still young, when I was talking to you, when you were describing some project to me, I just listened as if I didn’t have a picture in my head. Like I can’t see what it’s going to look like. It’s like you’re telling me something and I’m just a dead end, empty, and that’s it. When there is such a dead end, such a void, when someone describes their project to me, I always say this: “It’s not going to happen, I don’t see it, I don’t even understand what you want, it’s just nonsense”. So that’s how I say it. And when a person describes an idea or a business or a project to me and I see, that is, I have an image of what it will look like, the moment somebody describes something to me, then I say, “Yes, we do, yes, yes, it will be, yes, great”. But I just thought that this is like my thinking, that this is not some kind of vision of the future, that I just like, when a bad idea is described to me, I just like to calculate it quickly with my brain, I see nothing in the output. So I don’t take it on because I don’t believe in it. And when I see something concrete, that it’s there, that it’s built, it’s as if I... You know, at that time, in my childhood, I explained it in such a way that in every project I did, I knew how to do it and that it would turn out, because I immediately saw the result and proceeded from the opposite. That is, I already saw what was going to happen, and from there I rewound time to see how to get there. And I did. So that was my approach. It’s very unusual.