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Alexandr Korol
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Page 78

Post by Alexandr Korol »

self really wants. Because everything else is just worlds you are connected into, broadcasting thoughts and desires to you. But if you step out of them, you’ll only get the transmission that is for you, the real you. You’ll see yourself.
It’s like stepping into the “corridor” is like the Ouroboros ring: when you exit any cell and enter “zero”, you can feel the ultimate version of yourself in this “corridor”. That’s why you begin to feel extremely spiritual, and spirituality is the future. That’s the key. And I would probably see it like this: you know, the present is this Earth, this material world. The heavenly world is the future. The underworld is the past, even just in terms of frequencies. And you’ll see, when you feel yourself in that way for a while, when you enter the “corridor”, you’ll see what you want and don’t want. That’s how it was shown to me. I saw that I’m this and this and this. And then they take it away from you, and you start living as a human again, but you remember what was shown to you. You saw it, you felt that unique version of yourself inside. And then you strive toward it by all means possible.

Question: Everything is like a computer program. We live in a virtual reality project. There are also other worlds from which aliens from the future come. They have their own God, and that God also has a God, who is the Father. He is the God of the entire galaxy, as Big Alexander said. Are these other worlds, from which aliens from the future come, also projections, also virtual reality?

Yes, of course. I understand that it’s very difficult for the human mind to grasp this. Imagine how challenging it is for a person to realize that they live in virtual reality. You humans, your brains are not ready, and you have the wrong association with these words, the wrong understanding. Let’s put it this way: for the people of this era, which is now coming to an end, it was typical to understand – what was given to all people to understand? That you have blood, flesh, the earth exists, there’s air, there are planets. And here we are, born biologically, as you are told, right? You grow up as a child, and then you die. But for you, to understand, it seems normal because it has been imposed on you as a concept of this era. It seems normal to you throughout your life. But imagine, if a person from another era came to you now, and you told them that everyone here dies. They would be shocked, “What? How do you die?” And you’d say, “Well, we age and die.” And that person from another era would be like, “What? What a terrifying world! How do you live here? Why live if you are going to die?