for a long time. That’s a common description people use for this experience. You may also notice that when you shift to another perspective, time behaves differently – it either speeds up or slows down. Furthermore, the temperature around you can change. In different dimensions, angles, frequencies, worlds, or multiverses, the perception of temperature shifts. The actual degrees might change. For example, you might find that when you’re in one state, you’re cold, but when you’re in another state, you’re always hot. It constantly changes. I find this very interesting because I notice it myself. My room temperature remains the same, but when I’m on one frequency, I feel fine, not cold. Other times, I feel cold and have to turn off the air conditioner to feel comfortable. This happens because I’m in a different perspective.After reading the book, you experienced this shift. However, don’t get too excited – it doesn’t mean that you’ve locked in this state permanently. You will likely lose it soon. What you need to do is understand what caused this shift and know how to return to it – read the book again. The good news is that a different version of you has awakened. All of you should have this alternate version of yourself; otherwise, you wouldn’t be readers of the book.
Some people cannot switch perspectives. That’s why there are people who simply cannot read this book. These are individuals who are stuck in one perspective – let’s say, perspective 5 – and for them, other perspectives simply don’t exist. They are bound to this one viewpoint, making them the most rigid because they can only perceive people and information from the angle of 5, rejecting everything else. Then there are people who might primarily exist in angle 6 but can access other angles as well. It’s as though they are more creative and flexible. If you give them a book, they’ll unlock another perspective; if you give them a film, they’ll unlock yet another one. They have the ability to travel through these worlds, even without realizing it.
Question: You are sharing something sacred with us. Even if we scrutinize the words themselves, you are sharing as the matrix does, going deeper and deeper beyond comprehension. Each of us thinks we understand what you’re talking about, but we can’t fully grasp it. What does this give us? How is it structured that whether we understand it or not, we begin to see things differently, live differently, feel differently. This is programming, an upgrade. Am I thinking in the right direction?