Chapter 5. Three Stages of Liberation
Now I will try to recount over the past two weeks more or less in chronological order everything that has happened to me, what has captured my attention, what discoveries or research I may have had, what I have encountered, and where I am heading next. It will be difficult for me to establish this chain in chronological order. Why? Because when a person is only in one multiverse, meaning when they are only under one particular angle, at one particular frequency, naturally, when they have been at this frequency for two weeks, they can orient themselves with their memory, recall all these events, and perceive the time and space they were in. So, time and space were exactly what they were connected to; that is their multiverse. In my case, over these two weeks, I have changed multiverses a lot, and literally, I have been different. Even the person I am now is not the person I was yesterday, or the day before yesterday, or a week ago. These are, in fact, different people. I need to remember what happened over these two weeks, but it is very difficult because it feels like a different life. Let me explain. It is hard for a person to recall everything that happened in World 7 – let’s call it World 7, Multiverse 7 – when they are disconnected from it and connected, for example, to World 5. Because they remember more of what is in World 5. If they are currently connected to World 5, if that is their multiverse. What was in World 7 seems to become hazy. So, it happens that when you, say, many years ago were in a certain period, let’s call it Multiverse 7, when you suddenly come into contact with something, perhaps remembering childhood, a person, or maybe you play some music or watch a film and start to recall everything, it feels like you are being pushed back. Meaning, you are being returned to the you that was in Multiverse 7. And so you begin to remember all of it because you reconnect with it, and there is a completely different list of people and events. And in the recent years, you have not been living in World 7; you have been living in another world. Do you understand? World 7, World 5 – it’s not important. The point is that when you have lived many years in one world, and then many years in another, you may only remember what you are currently connected to. So, if you are now in World 5, you remember it, but not World 7. It is as if it exists but is like some parallel reality. That is how it is. People experience this but cannot describe it in words. For me, it happens somewhat differently. I have to decode it all in detail. And I can jump through these multiverses this way. For people, it happens differently. For people, it happens not intentionally,