Page 605

Alexandr Korol
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Page 605

Post by Alexandr Korol »

times – do you even understand what he’s saying? Do you get what he’s talking about with this languid frequency, twilight, death? The one I keep hinting at in my drafts for the fifth volume, the one I’m tuning into, that I’ve come to know death. Maybe even more than that. And the fact that I’ve understood this evil. Do you get it? I cracked it. I cracked it! Hacked it right in my head. Literally, just a complete mental reboot. And the way it turns out that I’ve been coming back here from that future all this time – that’s insane. Meaning, I’m already there in the future, coming back here and controlling myself. And soon that future will arrive, and I’ll be doing all of this. It’s just some kind of closed loop.

In general, Big Alexander said:

– There’s no need to fix anything in this fourth volume. You can expand and clarify everything in your next books. And if people get scared, confused, and start thinking that Baphomet is Satan and the Underworld is Hell, well, let them think that. It’ll give them more motivation to ask you questions and read your next books.

That’s what he said. But I’m still going to fix it. I get that Big Alexander was trying to encourage me, saying everything is fine, but I still want to listen to my Spirit. It’s better to follow it, so I’ll make the corrections.

It seems I just caught a glimpse of a message from my employee saying that the narrator was about to start recording the section about Baphomet and the Underworld. Since he’s reached that part, I have to fix it. Well, not exactly “fix” – just clarify. Which is exactly what I’m doing right now.

Cool, right? I’m even happier about the twilight frequency – that’s my world, I’ve always written about it, I’ve always liked it. Now I’m going into it, anchoring myself there. You know what I imagined when I told the Mystic-Old-Man that I had a way to connect to this Spirit of Death? Just turn off the mind, immerse yourself in everything languid, surround yourself with everything languid. And that’s it. And you’re in this “no-name” world, in the “corridor,” in the eighth corner. But now I’m going to reinforce this mold even more, surround myself completely with it. Of course, dynamic movement is needed, especially for you. That is, you have to understand – I can go into the “twilight” forever, into this