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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

At that time, in the country where I was born, I was even afraid to write and speak about it. Because if they don’t laugh at you, they throw stones at you. And every time I wanted to share something about it on social networks, or make a video about it, or write a little book about it, people would immediately attack me. I don’t know who these people are, just strangers on the Internet. Mostly women of a certain age who would start writing with obscenities and threats: “Who do you think you are? Who are you? You must die.” And most of the time it was just when I was trying to find the solution to something that was depicted in illustrations or icons. So it’s like, if I publish photos of me traveling and eating pizza and write a couple of chapters about how to make money and dress fashionably, then everyone will love me. And as soon as I came in contact with anything sacred, I was immediately attacked. I assumed, of course, that maybe it was all connected. On the one hand, maybe this contact with the spiritual hurt people who were sinners so much, and that’s why such negative energy came out of them, but that’s just a theory, an assumption. The second theory is that if “they” are up there, some kind of higher power, then “they” control everything. And “they” are the left hand of God and the right hand of God. And if I was not supposed to give people some secret or information at a certain time, then they stopped me and put me in negative circumstances so that I would lose the desire to write books about it and talk about it too early. And even now I am under the total control of God: what I can say and what I cannot say, when I can publish something or not. This is a very serious matter.

I would like to share with you how, since 2010, I have serendipitously encountered Sacred Geometry again and again. One of the “ways” I encountered it was when I began to feel energy not only from cathedrals, but from icons, from relics, from holy places, and later from gems. And then I realized that the Matrix is also inside a person. And the Matrix is different for everyone. But we have to come to the point where the matrix in each of us becomes a divine matrix, a philosopher’s stone. I also realized that gemstones have this matrix. And each gem has a different matrix. The point is that a matrix is a kind of labyrinth of lines, points and intersections, and when light goes in there, it goes through this labyrinth, it gets a certain rhythm of vibration, and it is reflected, that is, to the “user”, to the one who uses the gemstone. For 10 years all my information