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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

And everybody didn’t understand what I was doing and how. Or maybe I would drink or eat something, or maybe I would read a book, and then I would get this information.
This is how people’s minds and brains are structured – they want to know “something” according to their pattern, something complex, thanks to which they can get to know themselves and the world around them. And when the answer was given to them that it’s just a notebook with a pen and they just have to draw something in it, then everybody just waved their hand and that was it, they weren’t interested. Because I noticed that most people needed some kind of show. I heard a lot about people going to some countries – it has become very fashionable now – to some retreats and all kinds of training. And my friend’s wife was talking about how she and her friends went to some retreat and they were beating a tambourine, singing some songs, drawing something on their foreheads. And I thought, “What a nightmare”. Because it’s disrespectful. I am very sensitive – I believe that God should be feared, and what I have more fear and respect for, in the good sense of the word, is everything divine. In the sense that I will never in my life throw away an icon. Throughout my life I have collected a whole box of everything holy from all existing religions. I keep everything like that, and I will never mistreat it in any way. And when many people start to make entertainment out of it, I don’t think it’s very nice. And you see, people tend to do that, they still need fairy tales, they need that “wow” effect, like in the movie “The Prestige,” that is, people need that prestige. People need a story that says, “There’s a magician, Arthur, who was born in an English village, whose great-great-great-grandfather is a magician. Forbes magazine wrote about him, and now he has the rarest unicorn horn. If he lets you touch it, your whole life changes, and it’s almost impossible to get to him. And people love stories like that. Although I have always hinted in my books that none of these special effects are needed for spirituality. To get closer to spirituality and everything sacred in general, you first need to be pure. With a pure soul, a pure heart, and your rhythm should be such a blissful one. And to come to this, I liked the film with Jackie Chan “The Karate Kid”, when the boy is so restless, hot-tempered, with character – this is just an unpolished soul, this is still an uncut stone – and how Jackie Chan made him “hang up your jacket, throw away your jacket, hang up your jacket, throw away your jacket.” This is what I think is the right way.