Page 123
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:23 am
Not even an angel, not even God, but a programme. Do you understand what is happening? And now on. I see that the programme is doing this through me, even though I am in the programme. Well, you see, in the person of a man, I write books for people. And the system is now specifically looking at how humanity in general reacts to what. Also, all people are divided into the cells of society. The bad become bad and the good become good. There are also those who are freed from their sins. There are those who learn to be conscious in society. So what can we hear and understand? To be conscious in society. What has always been the problem of humanity? That people lose their consciousness in society. Only when they have an emergency and they are in the temple, in tears, in prayer, or sitting at home with my book, are they adequate; that is, they give a clear account of their actions, they feel everything, they see everything, and they are here and now. But when you immerse these people in everyday life and they start telling you funny songs and telling you how I skateboarded yesterday, that’s it. You’re just foggy. Sweet fog. You just immediately become so that you start communicating like a bad person, behaving like a bad person, dressing like a bad person. All your weaknesses come out, all your temptations come out. Everybody reaches for bad habits. And you’re all sliding down. And how many times have you been given this chance and you’ve still fallen to the bottom? And you’re doing it again. And who’s going to be in charge of all these unconscious sheep? If you all don’t want to be shepherds and you still turn into sheep. And if I’m even more, I’m going to post myself on social networks every day with beer and girls and how I’m swimming in the pool, then that’s it, you’ve forgotten this alternative history. You’ve already forgotten it. Believe me, I am doing exactly what I want. I clearly decide now what I am going to do. I can be in the Spirit today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and write an alternative history and it will all be voluminous and mystical. I will scratch you behind the ear with a feather and you will feel it even though I will be in another part of the world. You know? But at the same time I can have fun, I can immerse myself in society and I can wander through the social-material worlds through all the frequencies. I’m turning it all on. I choose it, I do it.
And coming back to the question of what is happening, how it will be a new world, how the new era will be perceived, you have been shown this a thou- sand times. But you haven’t even realised it. It has been shown to you a thousand
And coming back to the question of what is happening, how it will be a new world, how the new era will be perceived, you have been shown this a thou- sand times. But you haven’t even realised it. It has been shown to you a thousand