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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:48 am
by Alexandr Korol
This is why I am giving this example.

I hope the information that I share will give you that crazy faith. The stronger this faith, the more unique and strong a person becomes. And you know, you can vulgarize everything, spoil it. Even the story I just told you. If you analyze this story, you can easily start to extinguish the faith. If I start discussing these stories with people who are from the world of the mind, who are closed, who are without a soul, then they will start to refute these stories with their mind (and the mind always defends itself). They will say, “Well, there was an old woman, a drunk, well, she said some kind of rubbish. There are plenty of such people. There is nothing supernatural in this. Nobody came to see you. They come to me too.” You can look at these situations in such a way that they are not miracles. Maybe it’s some kind of recruitment, for example. And as a priest in a church once told me:

– Alex, don’t you think that it could just be one of your relatives, like your father, just organizing everything? So that you just believe, come to the church, and that this is just some kind of setup? He could have asked some actors to do it?

There is a war between faith and doubt. Doubt is the world of the mind. Faith is a world without a mind. And my faith, since childhood, has not gone out. That is, this is faith, like that of a child, when he is still naive when he has not yet been offended by life, when he has not yet acquired principles, stereotypes, corrals, he can naively believe in everything that he is told. Here, there is a flying saucer, and he is so in awe of it and will really be impressed by it and will be waiting for this saucer. But over time, as an adult, he no longer reacts to it this way. As an adult, he compulsively engages the mind’s defense mechanism, “What saucer? What are you talking about?” And he immediately begins to defend himself using gossip from the society that has zombified him.

My abilities are powered by faith. If a person was sitting next to me now, and I asked him to touch my knee with his mental energy, if he did this, he would still have at least one percent of doubt that he wouldn’t be able to do it.