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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:49 am
by Alexandr Korol
He will not be in a calm and balanced state, which means that he will start trying. But this “trying” is already a block because if a person believes one hundred percent, then he would simply look at my knee and imagine that he was touching it, and I would feel it, and he would feel how it works. Are you with me? But if there is at least one percent doubt, it won’t happen. And yes, many people who are interested in spiritual development, who are practicing various paranormal and esoteric techniques, use different keys. The keys, thanks to which, enable you to escape from doubt, to deceive your mind a little, to go into some kind of trance in which you can feel something. And now, my faith has grown so much that if I want to focus my attention somewhere or direct my attention somewhere, then there will be zero percent of doubt. I mean, that’s how strong she is. I used to have one percent doubt. Before, I knew that there would be changes in the world for the better. Before, I knew that everything would come to something incredible. Before, I knew that we would witness a crazy ride and that I was not the last character in this adventure. Not that I could say that out loud. Only in the company of certain people, like my readers, for example, because otherwise, I might immediately turn on that one percent of doubt. Not because I don’t believe in it, but because I didn’t have enough faith. I understood that if I said this, the other person would not believe it. And in order not to experience that one percent doubt, I just kept silent. And didn’t talk about it. Not in books, not videos. Nowhere. I tried to completely avoid it.

When I left home, I had a very strong faith. Then, it went down a little for me because I was in society. And now, this faith has returned and has increased greatly. Many, many times over. And I can speak to you more candidly than ever before because in my words, in this code, in this energy of my words, and in my information, there is one hundred percent faith, that is, one hundred percent truth and nothing else. So when I give any information, it is 100% true with 100% faith. Meaning if I have a fraction of doubt about something, I won’t say it.

Faith is the key to success. Through faith, the whole world opens up to you. Everything becomes available to you. And this faith, she has a capacity, that is, she can be available in different amounts. It is not possible that a person simply believes, and that’s it. Yes, there are believers. I now feel the difference myself;