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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:54 am
by Alexandr Korol
from level 12. But this is not true. People of different levels perceive it differently. It is the same with frequencies. The nature of information about frequencies is very complex. You don’t even know the real essence of what it is. When I posted videos about frequencies on YouTube in 2014 or 2015, there were many angry people, especially women of a similar age to my mother, who attacked me vigorously, saying: “Who do you think you are? What do you think you are discovering here? What’s new? You describe the emotions and psychological moods of people that everyone knows and call them “frequencies”. You call it a scientific discovery and brag about it. You are a fraud!” Many of these women, around 45~50 years old, wrote angry messages to me when I was 24. What a demonstration of kindness, right? That’s why people stay in their dimensions and go through struggles and battles with illness. They deserve it, I think.
So, you see, the most primitive people saw the videos and perceived them from their own perspective. That is how they understood it. They thought they not only understood it, but they knew it all along, and they were disturbed that I presented it as a breakthrough.
There were others who were amazed by the information about frequencies and they started to apply the information and their lives changed. But do you know the funniest part? The second group of people who accepted the information didn’t understand what frequencies were either. Can you imagine that? They thought they understood. The first group of people, the angry ignorants, thought they already knew. The second group didn’t know and were stunned. The first group, who are on a lower level than the second group, think that those who were impressed and inspired by the subject of frequencies are stupid. People on the lowest level of development think they are clever and knowledgeable. The illusion of knowing everything is created for people. People need to feel comfortable and safe. They need to think that everything is all right. But in reality the world is made up of silly people. There are only a handful of wise ones. Can you imagine that? I will try to explain it to you. Frequencies are... Let’s try again. I am going to build the story of frequencies in a way that leads us to the subject of the multiverse. Let’s start simple. I have noticed that when I meet my friend Konstantin, for example, I tend to eat more during or after the meeting. I feel the need to gloat. I also pay more attention to the brands of cars when I am with Konstantin. Another thing I have noticed is that I feel a certain insecurity when