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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:56 am
by Alexandr Korol
There is a crucial moment here. The human brain is wired in such a way that when a person lives on a frequency of five they always retain some basic elements of that frequency as their basic base camp. Whatever they hold and whatever you hold of the base frequency will hold you there. You can change the quality or dimension within the multiverse. Many of you have fixed a lot of things in your multiverses and put things in order, but your main characters and characteristics, such as allergies or something, have remained as they were in the original multiverses. That’s the interesting thing. Nobody moved between worlds. I am explaining to you the concept of multiverses. I always described it correctly, but people understood it in a way that they were capable of. I didn’t correct it at that time. So when you tune into a certain mood and atmosphere and feel that you are in the “cosmos”, you are still in your original multiverse on your original frequency.

Let’s talk more about this. What happened later is that I started to explain the concept of frequencies and multiverses, keeping in mind your understanding of these subjects. So when people travel within the dimension of their worlds, they think they have changed the actual worlds, but they are just moving with- in the worlds. When I travel – I am actually changing frequencies and moving between multiverses. That is what we need to understand now. It is a difference that we need to notice and realise. I will continue to explain it because it is important that you fully understand it with your mind. It is complicated, I know. It would be like talking about love on the frequency of the mind and talking about the same subject of love on the frequency of the heart. It would be difficult because love exists in both multiverses, as does money. Love, money and spirituality exist in all worlds – the material world of society and the spiritual world of the heart. In fact, spirituality in the world of the heart is different. It may look the same, but there are certain differences. I have always tried to show and explain them to you. I wanted you to understand. I always know who belongs to which multiverse. When somebody esoterically talks about standing on nail boards, astrology readings, birth charts and ayahuasca – I know they are from the multiverse of falsehood. It is a multiverse of the sinful mind where people are lost. If a person talks about these things, he is from that world. It does not matter to me who he is. People get upset when I say things like that and tell me: