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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:57 am
by Alexandr Korol
worlds. But you are still the same person. If you are moody, you are still moody. If you are cowardly, you are still cowardly. If your personality hasn’t changed, your multiverse is the same. If you switched to a new multiverse, you wouldn’t be moody or cowardly. This is not a joke, I mean it literally. This is the point. If you experienced it at least once, you would freak out. You would be shocked and stunned. The shift between the multiverses is physical.
It turns out there are placebos for it. Fake love and fake spirituality exist in the world of the mind. You may also feel that you are changing frequencies in the world of the mind. There is an illusion of switching. But this also exists within the boundaries of the mind. You may experience different dimensions and im- prove the quality of your life and think that your world has changed, but it is still the world of the mind and society. This is true.
If you look at it in more detail, we can compare it with the confusion that people have had about what is soul, consciousness, subconsciousness, the mind of the heart and the intellect. When a person says, “This is what my heart wants”, he is describing what his soul really wants. But to what source is his soul connected? To the heart or to the mind? That’s the question. Do you see how strange it is? This is similar to what we are talking about here in terms of dimensions, frequencies, the universe and the metaverse. Everything is happening. You did the right thing when you made changes to the world you live in. You were not confused and you made the right changes. You made good changes in your world when you shifted. First you make dimensional changes within your frequency, then you will change frequencies in the multiverse.
I will try to show you the boundaries between dimensions, frequencies and worlds so that you can understand them. I have to study and find examples and comparisons to show you. As you move from one multiverse to another, your personality can change. You can become kind and gentle when you are bitter. It doesn’t happen on purpose, it happens naturally. You become another ver- sion of yourself. You have different food preferences. You used to like certain foods, but you don’t like them anymore, and you crave something completely different. You may have different physical health and abilities. Your previous universe may have no illnesses and the new one does. Or vice versa – the new universe has no diseases. When you travel between multiverses, the changes are very dramatic. Your temperament and character change markedly. You be-