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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:06 am
by Alexandr Korol
It is difficult for people to work and achieve without external motivations to drive them. You need motivation to do something and not just sit on your butt. That is a lack of awareness.
I want to add something else. It turns out that the points that Mystic-Old-Man mentioned are the fundamental basis of the frequency that is the universe. When you focus on those points, you connect to them and you anchor yourself there. There are some basic elements. You should have some fundamental elements that hold your universe together. Every time you try to change yourself, you keep those pillars and that’s why you stay in your comfort zone. You have to destroy those pillars. There are five or seven main pillars that hold you in your universe. You never touch them and you are afraid to change them. When you get rid of them, your attention will change and you will come into a “corridor”. Then you will create the points in another universe to hold on to and move to. Do you understand? That is how it works. Often a person will tell me that they want to be healthy or happy. They want a family or they want money and I tell them that they have five positions in this life that they have to get out of. These five positions are the most painful for him to lose and he can’t do it. He resists change and turns away from me. These items make him who he is – a person without family and money. That’s the point. I also gave him a list of things to add to his life. These new three or five positions are the base points of the new universe he wants to be in. He has to focus his attention on these positions to get what he wants. He doesn’t want to do that, so he doesn’t change. He remains the old unhappy version of himself.

Conversation with Mystic-Old-Man:

Alexandr: This is my first question. Some people ask you about the future and you sometimes tell them about it. Will the future change afterwards? Is there a future that doesn’t change no matter what? Or does it work both ways?
Mystic-Old-Man: It varies. It depends on which position they choose – 1, 2 or 3 – and how you move between the positions from one to two, three or five when you imagine them. We call it a number.
Alexandr: There are versions of the future that never change. For example, no matter how many times I ask you about something, it always stays the same. Is this true?