is 2028 related to the beginning of a new era and the end of the old one?
Mystic-Old-Man: This is a key moment. I can tell you that for sure. As for the new era – it is different.
Alexandr: A key moment because of the revelation of information?
Mystic-Old-Man: No. Everything will change. At least on our planet things will change.
Alexandr: Will it end then or just begin?
Mystic-Old-Man: The transition will begin very vividly and openly. We will all be witnesses.
Alexandr: I understand. Okay, tell me the letter and that will be all for today.
Mystic-Old-Man: “F”
Alexandr: Okay, I will think about it. Thank you and goodbye.
Question: You have described the future with new technologies and a new matrix sys- tem. Society will disappear. There will only be a small percentage of people left and they will create these technologies. I don’t understand what will happen to the others – 99% of the people. The world will collapse and there will be ruins? And the new world will be built on that?
I don’t know the exact computer technology that will be used for this process. You know, it would be the same if we were in the place of the engineers who cre- ated social media and tried to understand how it was created and how it works now. Deleted emails used to be stored somewhere, and now they are stored somewhere else. Or if they are written, they are repeated. It would be the same as creating a social media platform and adding the “add audio file” feature. But we have designed it so that if a user adds a music file that already exists, it is not uploaded again, but just duplicated to save space. If you delete the music file, it stops being duplicated everywhere. See what I mean? This is so interesting how it works and cool how people create ways to store memories. How do the send- ing algorithms work and so on? The principle is the same as the role we live in. I don’t know how it will be. The old era, the old world, has to disappear for someone, but not for me. It has to be destroyed and rebuilt, as if people hide in caves and come out later. I have seen ethnic groups in museums. I have noticed that the objects found in archaeological excavations look as if they were