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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:19 am
by Alexandr Korol
Music and films are also good examples – they show different versions of life. You can feel it through music and films, and you can see people from a different angle. You can enter a new world when you meet new people and through some other elements.
This is a very interesting subject. I will give you more examples to show what it is. So, to answer the question: “Can you change your life overnight?” Yes, you can, even if you are seventy years old but unattached. You can change five or seven primary points and change. I have always said that it has to do with finances. If you have a unique intellect and you can do a switch in your head, that is cool. Usually it is impossible for people. They need additional material factors. People need a change of scenery, then their psyche can change. You can just imagine it if you have a very strong mind. You don’t have to move. It does not matter how old you are. You can change your job, sell everything and buy a house in Australia. You can move there and get a new passport. Your life starts again. If you are a skilled dentist or a talented surgeon and you speak English, you can move anywhere and find a job. You can move across the globe and start your life in a new universe. I said some time ago that if a person stopped me in the street and asked me for advice, I would tell them to change something into something completely opposite, within the limits of law and morality of course. For example, if a person is big, he needs to go to the gym. If he has never swum – he should swim. If he has always stayed at home, he should go out all day or start his day by jogging. If a person wants to change the universe he is stuck in, he has to change his life. If I were an old grandfather, for example, I would go to Australia. But for this “escape plan” you need money. I would move to a new country, buy or rent a place, get a job and start doing things I have never done before. If I were an athletic guy who didn’t have bad habits and lived in the gym, I would do the opposite – go to different restaurants and do wine tastings. I would change my habits and let myself be. Why not? It is not illegal. You just have to keep a balance and not overdo it. There are so many different ways of living. I would change into another personality, like an actor. If I moved to another country, I wouldn’t build a world of old habits around me. A lot of people make that mis- take. I would get a new phone number and only put contacts for new people on it. That is what I would do. Again, within the bounds of common sense. When I tell you to change your habits, I am talking about an independent adult who is