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Alexandr Korol
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Page 323

Post by Alexandr Korol »

place in society. They try to be in this rhythm but it never works and they are forever in the “corridor”. It seems that the “corridor” is a spare space, a reserve, where we should stay safely for the time being. As if we were not meant to be in society. Like a parallel reality we were born into. It is as if we live in this spare world, waiting for a new era to begin. Because we belong to a new era, we are not allowed to live in the old world where other people live.

For example, there is me and a guy called Pete. For example, Pete is 30 years old and he is a popular TV personality. He is a star on Prime TV and a very trendy person. Everyone loves him, but he is a rat, a sneaky liar and a junkie. This is Pete. And this is me. I am nothing; nobody knows anything about me or my books. I’ve never done anything wrong, but people in society don’t give a damn about me and think I’m nothing. Why is that? We can conclude that Pete has no future. He is living his last days in this old world and he is exactly where he should be. He is a scumbag, and that is exactly why he is popular and famous, be- cause he is supposed to lead people like him into the abyss, because their world is collapsing. That is what is happening. He is a shameless idiot who promotes impudence and filth. People like me don’t have a future in this present world because we have another future, you see? We have no place in this matrix. As if there is a new matrix and when it is activated we will have a future there. This present time has no future for us and that is how I see it, as if I am just sitting and waiting. Actually I have been waiting for it since I was a child. I knew from the beginning that in this world there are 90% of the majority and 10% of the others. If you join the majority, you will be recognised in this world. The minority are people with good morals. The majority rules the society and considers the minority as lame. This is the way it should be. It is their time and the last period of an era that is ending. Society used to be good, but then it rolled downhill to immoral sins and must collapse. People in society have to destroy each other and bring each other down. So that is what they are doing now. The people of the new matrix will be in the new future where the cycle will start again and it will start with virtues, ease, happiness, magic and justice. This is the future that has not yet been activated. We are waiting for it as people of another time. It is un- pleasant for us to see sinful people living happily while we are a hundred times better and smarter and have better values and consciousness. We sit behind the