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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:27 am
by Alexandr Korol
and you are shocked by the things that surround you. You see that you have a bike and a leather jacket and you think, “What the hell, what happened to me?” You look at your Instagram and you think, “Holy crap, how could I post these photos?!” Well, you see, that character lived in your body for five years. This is multiverse in action. You come back into your body after five years of absence and you see everything that the other character has done during that time. When I had that experience, I was always very eager to destroy the old world and cling to a new world. I threw away and sold everything I had. I broke all ties and burned all bridges that connected me to the old multiverse. When I returned to that old multiverse some time later, I thought, “Why did I get rid of everything? Now I have to start all over again. Why did I separate from everyone? Now I have to reach out to them. You see? Later I realised that as I travel between worlds, I can keep the elements of each world as “space suits”. Just keep the sets of elements that belong to each world. So if I don’t like the multiverse I’m in and I want to leave, I just put it all away, like in the freezer. When I come back to that old multiverse, I can take it all out and use it. For example, I have a multiverse of celebrities and I wear fancy classic clothes. Why should I throw it all away? It is a multiverse, so I keep those elements. I actually sell some things – I need money for other multiverses. In general, I keep some elements from different worlds because they are fundamental points that anchor me there. I have lists of elements organised by music, films, places, clothes and people. However, after the pandemic and wars that happened in the world, something is happening. People who used to belong to the multiverses have disappeared. They were the strongest keys to the multiverses, but now they are not there. It is difficult to get to some words without people to guide me in the transition between worlds. Now I must find new people who belong there. I see that something is happen- ing and worlds are being destroyed – it is a catastrophe.

So I have several multiverses. Throughout my life I have collected sets of elements that belong to particular worlds. As I grew and expanded my capabilities, I was able to have different properties for different worlds. I have different houses with clothes and things coordinated by world. They are like space suits. In some worlds I am Batman or Spider-Man, you know? The most important thing is not to mix things up. I keep everything separate; it is better that way.