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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:36 am
by Alexandr Korol
– If I started a relationship now, it would be like a countdown.
– What do you mean by that? – they asked.
– Since I don’t have a personal life, all worlds are open to me. I am in eternity and I am a ‘zero’. I am nobody, nothing. I am eternal. But as soon as I choose a person and decide to live with that person, that is the end. I will be anchored in a scenario of the world of the person I have chosen, and the rest of the world will be inaccessible to me. If I am stuck in one world, I will be vulnerable to its rules and dispositions. I will grow old and live with all the pluses and minuses of the multiverse.

You see – I would be grounded in some multiverse. I have known that since I was very young. That’s why there are human entities. Well, I was always explaining the structure of the world, showing you how it looks from the outside. People don’t realise it because they live in it and are part of it. I noticed very early on that human entities always complain that they would like to have a relationship, a family, a love life, but as soon as they connect with someone, the relation- ships fall apart within a month or a week. Why does this happen? Because a person-entity has many elements of its own world. His world “without mind”. Meanwhile the person he was trying to build a relationship with was just one point of the element of another world. So when a person-entity interacted with another person, it had only one point of connection with a new world. It was not enough to hold on to a new world and it felt very uncomfortable. So a person-entity went back to their “cosmos”, a frequency of “zero”. If a partner grounded the person-entity with some anchors and connected it to the new universe with more fundamental points, then the person-entity would give up and stay, but it would lose its angelic ability to fly. His wings would break and he would be tied to his partner’s universe.
If a person-entity had very few elements in a new universe where they met their partner, they could very easily break up. Because the main element would be the partner, and when they broke up, the person-entity would go back to its zero point, “cosmos”. Most of the time this was exactly what happened. A person-entity feels that it is losing itself when it interacts with a new person. Even though he wants to be with a partner, he feels that the magic is leaving him because the new universe is crawling into his life. So a person-entity would just disappear