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Alexandr Korol
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Page 344

Post by Alexandr Korol »

are in the “corridor”. If I am a ‘zero’ and I talk to the same people, it will ground me. It will assign me to a certain multiverse with permanent people and stable relationships. That’s why I stopped talking to a lot of people, stopped being friends with a lot of people, and even stopped communicating with my readers. Please don’t be offended. I know you and I remember you. You are good peo- ple and have done nothing wrong. I am a strange person and have my own path of development. This is part of my journey and I am sticking to it. People are the strongest guides in the multiverses. People are the main points. Then there are other things like music, films, clothes, location, jobs and other elements. Some people have certain activities that limit them. For example, my job does not limit me. Some jobs limit people’s ability to travel, for example. If I worked in an office for a company, that would be the same as a relationship. It would de- fine me in some multiverse, you know? That’s why people wonder: “Why don’t I see the miracles that Alexandr talks about?” Well, the specifics of your work might be the reason. I am not giving advice. Obviously, don’t quit a good job that pays well. You don’t want to make decisions that will hurt you. I am just telling some stories. This is not a life manual and not a course. Don’t lose conscious- ness. Look at it as if you were watching a sci-fi film or a show. Each of you has your own life. Don’t try to fit my life into yours. That is a selfish urge – the idea of fitting a story into your own life. Actually it gives you some food for thought and you can think about some circumstances that happen in your life and why. Indeed, your eyes are opened and you find answers to many of your questions. That’s great, but you don’t have to do anything triggered by anything you read now. Stay in your own world and let yourself be put there. I must not interfere with your worlds, and you must not make any sudden moves that can get you into trouble. Please listen to me on this.
I have talked about this many times and I will talk about it again from a different perspective. I have always said that it is important to observe yourself. I have said that there are everyday things that you do out of habit. Notice the casual things that you do. Do you shower before bed or in the morning? Which side of the bed do you sleep on, left or right? Do you have a television in your room, and if so, do you watch it with a light on or in complete darkness? When you go to bed, do you draw your bedroom curtains up or down? If you watch TV before going to bed, are you dressed or not? I am talking about simple things like that.