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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:46 am
by Alexandr Korol
If I ignore it and think that it is real, that I and the desires I feel are really mine, I might argue with people I used to be friends with and attract people who are bad because I like them. If I do some actions in this multiverse, I might even get stuck there. It is dangerous. That is what I have learned. If I were to explain it to a primitive person, I would say: “Listen, don’t act when you’re in a bad mood. Cool down, wait and bring yourself to a normal state of mind first. This is what I would say in a simple form, but in fact it is much more complex and serious.

I’ll share some more information from my recent observations. I now “travel” between worlds. It happens to me or I arrange it from outside – I feel both. A higher power is orchestrating it. On the other hand, I know it is me, because I put on certain music or films, think about certain subjects, and use these elements as starting points to move to a certain universe. I have chosen those points and moved myself into another world. So there is a connection. It was me who did it, but there was a reason behind my actions and somehow I felt like watching something or thinking about someone. That makes sense, right? So I moved into a really bad multiverse. Total hell, seriously. The paradox is that I am not doing anything specific. I was sitting on a chair all the time, and I still am, but something is happening. I am in exactly the same place I was before and I am an observer and I see things start to happen. If I were to describe it somehow in simple words that people would normally use to express the feeling, it felt like “your soul has been turned inside out”. That’s how someone who doesn’t know what those words mean would describe it. What and how did this happen to me? I was in this multiverse... Don’t worry – I’m already out of it, and I was waiting for it to be over so I could get back to writing. So I was in a multiverse where I felt terrible. The mood was so-so, the perception of my apartment was distorted, and the music and films lacked depth. It felt like I had no energy, and time passed so slowly. Any idea I had was slow and dull, as if attention was not focused and lacked depth. I felt like I was carrying an enormous weight. I started to analyse this multiverse and study what happened – how I got there and what I did wrong. I immediately realised that I had recently been in the multiverse of Heaven and now I was in the multiverse of Hell. I suspected that this was for me to study. That was my thought. Then I thought about calling Big Alexander and asking him about it. But I already knew what he would say. He would say that I was mutating and that I was fine. That is basically what he said when we spoke.