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Alexandr Korol
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Page 351

Post by Alexandr Korol »

I remember having this experience a long time ago, when I was 17 or 18. I was also travelling between worlds at that time. Then, when I was in a particular world, I was there for much longer, maybe three months in each world. Now I spend two or three days. I arrive, take notes and leave. When I was young I lived on these frequencies for three months. It was about 2008 when I was on very high materialistic frequencies and also on “heaven” and “hell” frequencies.
It was just for a few days and I will write the timeline of events here. I have told my friends a few times:

– Listen, I feel like I am in the film ‘Terminator’. Have you seen it?
– Sure, I saw it a while ago.
– That is how I feel. Like some people from the future have an interest in me. Some want to stop me and some want to protect me. As if there will be some big event in the future that is directly related to me.

I thought about it once and told my friends about it. Then I called Big Alexander and he said:

– Have you ever seen the famous film with Arnold Schwarzenegger?
– Yes, I have.
– It is about you. The same story.
– Cool.

So we discussed the angle of this world with Big Alexander and he told me that the decision was mine. Whatever I decide will happen, and it will be reflected in all the families that live in that unfortunate angle, that multiverse. It’s not literally hell, of course, but it’s a very bad frequency. When I came into that bad angle, I was in the room and I saw it again from a completely different angle, as I do every time I come into a different multiverse. It is the same room, but I see it differently each time I am in a different angle. So I was in my flat and I was shocked to see it from such a new angle. Imagine a room, a living room for example, in the shape of a cube. I am sitting inside the cube on the left wall. If we look at the cube from above, for example, we see me sitting on the left wall. As I travelled between the multiverses I noticed that my perspective changed.