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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:50 am
by Alexandr Korol
location in space. Your location and coordinates can change within a space. This is your consciousness. Very amusing. Your perspective changes depending on the angle and you see yourself, your house and objects around you differently. You hear the music differently depending on where you are. If the point of your position is far from the centre and your attention is not in the centre, the music is somewhere far away and not all around you. If the point is close to the centre, the music is full and all around you, covering all 360 degrees. It is also very unusual. There are different angles. There is my favourite magical corner and there are other corners where people live. Everything is under the control of the system and everything is predestined. Nothing is accidental. Everyone has to go through it. This is a code, the matrix.
Let’s say I’m in my corner of the frequency and multiverse of hell. I am still in my apartment, wearing the same clothes: my high-quality shirt made in Japan and my cap. If I take a photo of myself at that particular moment when I am in a bad multiverse, something bad will happen because the photo will capture the code of the bad multiverse of hell. If I post that photo online, it will attract all the people from that multiverse, including the demons who live there. They will be drawn to me. This photo will be like a green light for them to approach me. Now, you see, the photo can be taken in the same place and by the same person. You can take a photo of the same dog, but there is a certain code for the time the pho- to was taken. I have already told you about this and now I will explain it in more detail. The example with photos is just right. So if I take a photo of my dog on a yellow frequency, all yellow people will see my yellow photo because the photo of the dog was taken on that frequency. If I take a photograph on a green frequency, in the green multiverse, only green people from the green multiverse will see it. It is very amusing and interesting. Imagine how many multiverses there are. There are multiverses where humans eat humans. Scary, right? I told you before: “If something bad happens to a person, it means that he has done something that belongs to this bad world. There are no accidents.
If you do something that belongs to the evil world, people from the evil world will see you. This is very frightening. So there are all kinds of frequencies, you see? If we dig deeper, I can tell you that clothes don’t matter. If we talk very primitively, people would call it an emotional state. We can call it an emotional state, whereas everything is so much more complicated, believe me.