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Alexandr Korol
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Page 357

Post by Alexandr Korol »

One more thing about the frequency of hell that I mentioned above. When I read the first volume of my book “Alternative History” and started to read it, I was reading it from the perspective of people from the frequency of hell. And you know what? I know what they feel. They feel disturbed and annoyed. They are irritated by it. I understand more and more now how I can know what every single person I meet knows and feels. I know what they are thinking and how they would react to certain things. It happened because I was a zero and I could immediately switch to his point of view. I could see through their prism. It turns out that people in different multiverses see me differently. Some may be irritated by me and my books and some may like everything about me. It depends on which multiverses people are in.
I will share another unusual observation with you. For example, there are moments when I am angry, and people who live in the multiverses where they are always angry only see me when I am angry. That is part of their multiverse. They saw me when I was in their multiverse and only remembered me when I was there. Others only saw me when I was kind and never saw me angry because they lived in a kind multiverse. They only saw me when I was kind. It is very funny, you all see me through your own prisms and read everything through your lens. There were people from other multiverses among my readers and I deleted them all. Imagine there are only five multiverses represented by my readers, and there used to be thirteen, for example. I got rid of the rest, or they left voluntarily because they don’t have that information in their multiverses. Very unusual.

Everything is so distorted that if I post on social media from the frequency of Heaven something like: “I love people so much, and I feel that I am an angel.” So if I post something like this, all people from the frequency of kindness and warmth will react very positively. And there will be people who live in another multiverse who will hate it because, in their world, they hate people who use words like that. They would be irritated and start writing some filth in response to my post. Because they live in hell and they are irritated. It is very interesting too. Some people might be irritated, and some may be pleased. It is very amus- ing. Everything is so fascinating now. When I was not yet a personality, which means I was not fully positioned in the social multiverse, and I was the first