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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:57 am
by Alexandr Korol
Chapter 3. Time and Illusion and Travel
  • Watch the movies: “A Good Year”, “Coco”, “Hector and Search for Happiness”, “Rabbit Without Ears”, “Rabbit Without Ears 2”, “Kokowääh”, “Kokowääh 2”, “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, “In the Army Now”, “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”.
Question: When travelling in time as well as between multiverses, there is a change of gigahertz. I mean the range of the above in a large fractal where speed and time feel different. If I understand correctly, humans could first change the dimensions of the same frequencies. The next step for humans would be to change the multiverses. It is the next step of evolution when a person learns not to be attached to anything. Or will humans remain limited in their small worlds and travel between multiverses will only be accessible to you and human-entities? Is that how it should be?

It is not like that. You must remember the master plan of everything. There is a plan, and it has people who will live in the future. Real people. Let’s take us for example. We have grandparents who still live on vibrations of 407 gigahertz, for example. Our parents, for example, live at 420 gigahertz, and we live at 500. The numbers are figurative, just for demonstration. Our whole generation lives be- tween 400 and 500. But you see – there is a growth dynamic and we are moving towards 500. The diapason, including some high numbers like the thousands that we are moving towards, is measured in time. For example, in some future years, the 2,000 of the new era will have a vibration of 1,000 gigahertz. The beginning of a new era will start when the vibrations reach a thousand and go up. That will be a new era. There will be people in the future whose vibrations will be one thousand and above. For example, you may have a classmate who cut his leg, got sepsis and died. Another will have a car accident, some will get sick, and others will die of old age. There is no secret meaning, and it has nothing to do with frequencies or the fact that someone was not advanced enough. An acci- dent can happen to someone. It is as simple as that. There is always a rational explanation. The reason it happens is because people of lower vibrations leave. It has always been that way. It is not because of this particular transition; it has always been that way. People live on different vibrations and some vibrations become old and some new ones arise. Some people move on to new vibrations