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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

made them didn’t know it. The people who built St Isaac’s Cathedral didn’t know what they were doing. There are a lot of films and shows and music that talk about it, and my book talks about it directly. The people who made these things were connected to nature. Nature, the system, was doing it through them. It was working through artists, as it is working through me. They were writing books and producing films without understanding that it was nature working through them. Everything is about to get so interesting.

Question: Can you please explain how one can feel the transition between multiverses? We use some elements, rhythms and emotional states to awaken some qualities in ourselves, but we are still in our multiverse. Do we have to reach a certain level of development to move to another multiverse, or do we have to create certain conditions around us and completely change our lifestyle, the people around us and so on? Is there a connection between the transitions between multiverses and certain cycles?

I will explain this even though I have written about it before. I am not recommending or suggesting that you do it. We only discuss the theory. We do not travel between multiverses and you are where you belong. Don’t do anything we discuss in practice. This is very important. This book is not a master class. This is a novel, do you understand? We are just talking. Don’t do anything or you’ll get into trouble. We can talk about the theory and entertain our curiosity and intellect. It will help expand our consciousness. So let’s talk about it.
The reader above said that a person can make some changes in their life, like buying something, throwing away some things, changing their haircut and thinking that they have changed their multiverse. That is exactly what happened to my readers who made some adjustments in their lives and thought they had changed multiverses. But they had not. If they could actually connect to the multiverse I was describing, they would be shocked, overwhelmed, amazed and euphoric. Seriously. You actually see it on a physical level and it is so blissful. I’ll tell you what happened to a guy I know. So he read my book ‘Frequencies’, tried to make changes in his lifestyle, listened to some music and so on. But you see, everything he was doing was still in his comfort zone, his own world. In fact, he saw a difference between the songs of Angus and Julia Stone and Moderat, which is a frequency of the future. Of course he saw the difference and thought: “How