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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:58 am
by Alexandr Korol
and some don’t. It’s not intentional – people don’t know about vibrations and they’re not supposed to know. It just happens naturally, as if you have a choice to get yourself together. When you get yourself together you can go into a new multiverse, which is a new vibration, a new layer of your present life where your effectiveness is multiplied. You leave your comfort zone and you grow to an extra 50 gigahertz. If you don’t make the right choice, you will stay in your old diapason of vibration, which is like an escalator in the subway. It will end soon. The old source that people are connected to will soon disappear. I have told you this many times. People don’t understand. They don’t have the mental capacity to understand it. They think it is nonsense, but it is not. I saw these frequencies a long time ago. So people who moved to new vibrations lived longer. Those who didn’t – stayed there and died there. It happens all the time. The rhythms change. If we fast-forward the timeline and scroll the tape forward to the screen where this era, the first season of our show, ends. That’s when the second era begins, the second season. The second era is 1,000 to 1,500 GHz. People who have this diapason of vibration will see and participate in the second season. People who don’t have that range will stay in their comfort zone. This is how it works. The new era of 1,000 will have new technologies, new information, new energy and everything new. There will be the ability to control and correct the past. It will be possible to go back to old lower vibrations and correct them to make the future better. These are gods that have come to earth. These are extra- terrestrials and angels. Myths and legends tell us about wars between gods and that’s how we learn about them. Gods, they describe, are very advanced people with technologies. Not everyone understands if it is true or not. They can’t even imagine how true it is. A person with vibrations below 1,000 GHz still believes in the old matrix. He is a hostage of the consciousness of the present matrix. They are biological and live in a biological world. If he cuts his finger and does not treat the wound, he may lose the finger. He will feel pain and suffer. But it is possible to reach the level where a person knows that he is a computer and everything is a projection. He will know that he is not biological. When he understands this, he will become God and he will be able to fly. There are so many interesting things in the future. Suppose you have some questions about how and why, you can refer to my books. As I said in 2010, it was revealed to me that every film, every book, every creation is made with a code. The people who