Page 369

Alexandr Korol
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Page 369

Post by Alexandr Korol »

want and everything that comes to your mind belongs to that universe (7:7:7). You don’t control it with your mind. Everything you have an emotional response to belongs to a new world. When you are connected to a new multiverse, you are moved by the power of that place, just as you were in your old world, number 45. When you are still in your world number 45 and connected to it, you may try to remove some elements that ground you to that world, but it doesn’t work and you torture yourself. World number 45 rejects new elements and the power, the spirit of level 45, its rhythms and its consciousness, which governs people in world number 45, takes over anyway. These are your inner feelings, desires and moods. When you really move into a new frequency of 7:7:7, you will have very different ideas, as if a different intelligence is guiding you. You are very aware that you were different and even had a different appearance in your old world. It is a new version of you and everything around you is new. It is as if you have died and been reborn. You have a strong understanding that this is your new life. You can’t communicate with people from your old life. You can’t stand things from the previous world. It’s right there, but you can’t cross that invisible line. You are on the other side of the boundary. That boundary is very real and you know it very well. When you enter a new world, you perceive everything in a different way. I gave the example of orange juice – it is the same juice, but you perceive it differently. You hear the same music, but it is different. Everything has changed because your angle of perception is no longer number 45. The angle of projection has changed. Now your lens, the light, has an angle of 7:7:7 and you see everything from a new angle. You see your home, your family, your friends, your objects, your music from a new perspective. You may start to like people you used to hate. The change is so dramatic.

If you had experienced this journey between the multiverses even once, you would know that when you feel a negative emotion towards a person, it is just an illusion of that multiverse. You look at that person from a new multiverse and see that they are completely harmless. You realise how foolish you were to think that person was evil and to judge them, you see? It is a very enriching experience. Travelling between multiverses teaches people to be kind to the world and to people. It brings wisdom, humility and modesty.