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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:20 am
by Alexandr Korol
Only the heart. People who ground themselves and anchor themselves are slowing down their evolution and blocking the growth of the gigahertz. They want to stay in their old rhythm and resist translation and change. If they didn’t resist, it would be much better.
Someone asked me: “What if I have a family?” Well, you are connected to them, and I told you before that you shouldn’t do anything forcefully and try to change other people’s lives. If you change, people will change. It will have a positive effect on them. You can clear out your apartment and say: “Let’s move”. You can make very basic improvements and if you listen to nature and take those steps your vibrations will change from 500 to 1,000 for example. Everything around you, including your family and children, will change into a new good code. They won’t even notice that they are moving to a new frequency with you, so all is well. It’s a different story if some relatives are on a very low frequency, let’s say 300, and they say: “We don’t want to move. We don’t want to renovate. Then it is difficult. But you shouldn’t argue with these people and fight against the system. They should stay where they are, because they don’t have other worlds. They are where they are supposed to be, and they are staying there for a reason. It is not because they are not smart enough, and you can change that by telling them something. They just don’t exist in the new multiverses, and you can’t take them there. That’s why they resist so much, because to them it’s the same as death. If your grandparents want to stay in their caves, let them. Why are you dragging them into the future?
If you are married and have always had some improvement in your life, you could paint the house, fix the windows and replace the carpet. It is the same process. The point is not to resist. To resist and to hold on to old conservative patterns is to deny evolution. Evolution is a natural, organic way. Everything I tell you is a hypothesis that I share to explain how the system works. I am not telling you what to do. This is very important. I remind you again. Even if you didn’t know it, nothing would change, for better or for worse. You would live as you do and that’s it. People lived like this 10, 20 and 100 years ago. Some people grew and some did not. The same process is happening here now. Everything happens naturally. Don’t make sudden moves and act up. You are only reading a book, my friends.