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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:23 am
by Alexandr Korol
Chapter 4. About “Agent Smith” and Korea

What I am about to describe to you, based on the film “The Matrix”, is more in-depth, detailed, boundary-crossing information. To be more precise, I am going to give you my view of the reality we live in, how it all works and how it is organised. And it is shown very well in the film “The Matrix”. There is Neo, and in the first part he lives in the matrix as an ordinary person. And he realises that it’s all unreal or it’s all like a dream. And he doesn’t realise that there is a reality. It turns out that he is semi-awakened, but he is living in the matrix. Let us put our words in order so that we can have more defined boundaries. As you know there are people who say ‘consciousness’, ‘subconsciousness’, ‘soul’ and ‘heart’ as if they are all the same. And as a person evolves he separates them and under- stands where the separation is. It is the same here. So in this case we are talking about the matrix – it is nature, the system he lives in, but it is not a society. He lives in nature, in the matrix, in the system.
He’s living in it and he thinks it’s wrong. He wants out and he gets out. Morpheus finds him and sends Trinity to him and they all meet. What happens at the end? Neo is disconnected. He is disconnected from the matrix and he goes to a dark place. A dark place. They present it in a special way so that it’s not light. So when they come into the matrix, everything is bright and beautiful, with lots of colours. But what happens when he comes into reality? Their reality is Zion. And here they live in this Zion. If you look, they’re wearing clothes that are not branded. Nothing bright. Just all shades of grey, some knitted jumpers. And they’re eating slimy porridge. You remember how they pointed that out, as if that’s all you needed. So what do they do in Zion? Apart from talking every day about how to be free and resist the matrix, that’s all they talk about. And the meaning of life is just to continue to resist the attacks. That’s it. What’s more interesting? First of all, he believed that the matrix was bad and that it was the enemy. So the system and the matrix are evil. That’s the message of the first part of the film.
And then, in the second or third part, a grey-haired man comes to him in Zion and shows him the machines and says something like, “You know, it’s like we’re all connected, like the matrix isn’t bad at all. If there was no matrix, there would be no us. If there was no us, there would be no matrix. So what does it all add up to?