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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:27 am
by Alexandr Korol
And I can be in the matrix, in any multiverse, I do not forget that it is a matrix; it does not absorb me; I do not forget that it is a virtual reality. I remember that it is unreal. That’s the kind of awareness I’m given. I can be in the matrix, but society cannot defeat me or absorb me, although it has absorbed almost everything and everyone. And that’s why I’ve always had only one and the same thing, I’ve always written that whoever I am, successful, unsuccessful, it doesn’t matter what I’m going to do, it doesn’t matter if it’s my personal life or my health, or if I’m rich or poor, if I write books or have some other career, in any country, nothing matters, but the worst thing that can happen to me is if my heart is extinguished within me. “Agent smith”, this society, has almost extinguished the heart in everyone, and I was afraid that I would not live to be thirty-three with my heart and it would be extinguished in me too. And I did everything I could to make sure that didn’t happen. And the point is that this “smith”, this society, has really absorbed everybody. It has already penetrated into all the religious structures, it has already penetrated into the higher power, into politics, into all the charitable foundations. It’s infiltrated all the schools, well, all of them. Where once there was goodness, real goodness from the heart, now it is just a cover for this devil to hide behind. I realise that this power is growing so much that something has to happen to resist it. Something has to happen. It has become far too much of this society. And this is just the last thing that Big Alexander told me recently, that ‘Mother’, this nature – she will not allow those who are now infecting, she will not allow herself to be so swallowed up by everything. She will fight back.

In “The Matrix”, in three parts, you show Neo meeting the Architect. There is also an Oracle. They show everything very well. They seem to be in Zion, and they all go to the matrix, but not to society. They go to the matrix, where this society comes from, which is “agent smith”. Similarly, when you go into the matrix, you may go into your office, or you may meet someone in a pizzeria; this “agent smith” may come there. He comes after you. That’s how I perceive it, and that’s how a dark force inhabits everything and everyone. That’s hard. And it also has a direct connection. It’s like a separate kind of multiverse, a separate matrix, only it’s a dark one that absorbs the light to take over completely. And it is in such a way that if you interact with someone from this dark society, the whole