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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

It is “agent smith” who shouts very loudly and looks for people who are fresh, like newly hatched chickens who feel that the world is something else – he snatches them. He shouts: “Look, I’m going to explain it to you. Yes, yes, you are great! Come to me! You are spiritual! I will give you all crowns and diplomas saying that you are all great, and you will meet even greater ones!” And now ‘”agent smith”’ had possessed all these coaches and gurus. He is in all the psychologists and mentors, and he is taking them all under his power. And they’re all dancing on camera. Nobody in Zion would do that. Do you understand? A Zion is basically a “corridor”. It’s basically a backup. It’s a “corridor” outside the matrix. A reserve of something where a person is conscious, where they can go out when they need to go into the matrix. As you can see in the film, that’s how they go into the matrix. They go into the matrix, but look, they are careful every time. They are cautious about whether “agents smiths” might be coming. There are no agents, but they seem to be doing some business in this matrix. And in this matrix they communicate with the Oracle. It’s all there. But it’s very dangerous and they go in and they come out. And they are very careful. So I go there, into this matrix temporarily, and then I come out. And there are times when I go in there and “smiths” appear. And I almost have to fight and try to get out quickly before they take me over.
There are traps everywhere. Not just for me, but for everyone. It’s like a mine- field. It is as if there are very few multiverses left, very few good, pure matrices left, because almost everywhere every second person is infected by society, by “agent smith”. Then these people, their psyche, their attention is connected to this dark source and they look at everything from this angle. And they rearrange everything to fit that angle. It is such a cold energy, without soul, without heart. When Neo communicates with the Oracle, she communicates with him and he communicates with her. He also begins to realise: “You’re a matrix, how can I trust you? And she laughs. But remember, “agent smith” has come for her, so it’s this particular society that’s ready to take over the Oracle. And maybe this “agent smith” will come and capture Mystic-Old-Man. And if he does, that’s it. You won’t know. And you won’t be able to trust him. And there’s hardly any- one left to trust. The Big Alexander, all this time he’s been looking for the Cho- sen One and he couldn’t find him, or rather he was looking for him, but there were so many candidates. And when he heard about me, of course he was very