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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:30 am
by Alexandr Korol
interested in me. He never told me, but I remember that he always perceived me as one of the options, as if there were more options. It was also like that when I did some strange actions, that is, because of some actions he had more faith that it must be me. And because of some actions, he even lost faith at some point, that because I had something happen, figuratively speaking, here and there, or I did something, he thought “probably it is not him”. But the point is that Big Alexander or whoever is behind him – they had a lot of candidates a long time ago all over the world, like avatars. Like in the film Little Buddha, they found a lot of these indigo children or whatever you want to call them, and everybody started looking for the one. Maybe it’s this one, maybe it’s that one, maybe it’s that one, but they’ve all been taken away by society. And then, not so long ago, he could still doubt who I was. And now it’s settled. After all my discoveries that have happened now – everything is already decided; that is, there are no other candidates and I am the only one left. That’s why there are no doubts.
As I understand it, if we rely on the three-part film “The Matrix”, then there must be some kind of system restart. That is, it is as if society is now absorbing a percentage of the matrix in which we live. That is, our world is being absorbed by an evil society, and because of that, all those who have already taken its side are like zombies; that is, their hearts are already dead, and these people are evil and soulless. It’s already frightening to go out, to get out. And as if now there will be more percentage of absorption of this world we live in by society, and this world, that is, this nature, will give some kind of reaction to be purified. And if we look further, if it turns out that society is ruled by people of the Spirit, very clever, who have created their frequency and absorb the whole world, if the Mother of God, that is the matrix, the system, is against it, and she tries to negotiate with them until the last moment, but they don’t listen. Then what does she have in her power? Nature. She is nature. So how can she shake the leeches off her body? So she’s got to “wag her tail” or blow or spit. She has to do some- thing like that. That is why I still think that... Although, you see, nobody talks about it, neither Mystic-Old-Man nor Big Alexander, but I keep saying since my childhood that there will be some cataclysms. And what is happening in the world now, I did not know about it at all, I did not see it at all. For some reason it was not shown to me at all. I didn’t know it. It’s so unimportant compared to what I’ve seen. And it turns out that this system, the matrix, nature, has to