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Alexandr Korol
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Page 392

Post by Alexandr Korol »

cy country regions, where they have no education – they have no idea about anything. They have not reached that level genetically. They have now filled everything with their faces. And now they are great artists, great presenters, singing songs and so on. They have been given this power and they think they have everything and they are successful. And I just want to tell you one thing. I don’t feel one percent of what I know you feel. And you have these percentages of weakness that I don’t have. Just because I can talk to friends and acquaintances, I can at least notice these things and realise that I should probably write to you about them. I don’t write about it because it’s important to me. You care about it. You might be tempted to look at all these upstarts and think that your life is slipping away from you, that you are a penniless loser and that you could be great too. But just so you understand, these great ones have only had this power for a few years. And think about it: what do you want? To be at the height of glory for three years like them, but then be imprisoned or killed. Or do you want to be patient for three years, but then you’re happy for the rest of your life, like in the show “It Takes Two” or the good film “We Bought a Zoo”? But then you live to a ripe old age and feel love and kindness and everything in life is great. All inclusive. And you’re loved and respected by everyone. But you have to wait another three years. Think about it. I’ve had patience since I was a child, and that’s how I was brought up. I can be patient for three more years. And it’s not that I don’t want anything so much. It’s just that I’ve had it kicked out of me, this greed. Or what they call “vanity”. I don’t even think about it. I mean, a sinful person would think: “Alex, you’d be at the height of your fame. There are so many people out there. So many things! Imagine, if you write books now, publish them, and if you record videos, you can gather 10,000 people in the Olympic Stadium in Moscow. Everyone will listen to you talking about your new book”. But I don’t care about that. I don’t even have those thoughts. I don’t want them. I mean, it doesn’t warm my heart. It warms me more when I go to the zoo to photograph animals. I really love animals. I really do. I feel good when I invent something, when I create products, when I design – I like it all. Even if I wanted some kind of recognition, I would want sincere recognition that comes from the heart, from pure people. I don’t want recognition from sinners. It’s so terrible, admiration from sinners. And now the whole world is in sin in the “agent smith” society. Why would I want that? So here you are. You may experience this temptation.