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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:39 am
by Alexandr Korol
And if we say that the Sun is God, or if we say that the Sun is light, then that means that if all the continents are revolving around the Sun, around this magma of fire, and if there are flares from the Sun, then that’s going to affect every- body. So people revolve around me, and that means that I also experience these flashes, just like in the earth, just like in the Sun. And that means that I am that Sun. It all affects everything. It’s quite possible. I just noticed that when something happens to me, there are solar flares on the news all over the world. That’s interesting. But what is it then... if I am the Sun, that is the core of the Earth, the continents are the people around me, but around these continents is the Moon, that is a satellite of the Earth, and there is the Sun above me, above the core, above the continents. That’s the one that’s not quite clear. I’m actually working on a lot of things at the same time. I’m putting all the elements of the multiverse together and figuring out what the multiverse is. And the interesting thing is that I was in all these multiverse universes when I was young. Now it’s like the system is taking me through them all in accelerated time so that I remember all the versions of myself. It’s like I’m being activated, awakened. It’s also very interesting. So the system hides me in a very interesting way. But now it has to reveal me. I now have to simultaneously... That is, when the system, that is, nature, will, nature will take its toll on society, on “agent smith” and all the sinners. So I will probably do something like this. Or something like that will come from me. Nature has not reacted all this time, and society has grown, and I have not reacted, and society has grown. Society was corrupting this system and it was trying to consume me too. And now this system of nature will have to give something back, some kind of response. It will have to awaken now. It will be awakened on a percentage basis, as a reflection of me or my reflection, her reflection in me or my reflection in her. That’s how it will happen. It’s probably related to the process of “Alternative History”, volume three, but when I am revealed now, every percentage of the revelation will manifest in nature. It will do something. It’s going to get stronger and it’s going to grow. And growing means what? It means that as a shadow, society has suppressed the light before with the darkness, now the light is going to move forward into that darkness. It has to start happening.

Further on, and still referring to the film “The Matrix”, it turns out that Neo dies