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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:43 am
by Alexandr Korol
They were trying to trap me. You see how they were feeding me lines? “Alex, of course you’re not in it for the money, you’re in it for the people. You want so much to help people. Imagine how many people will read your books”. And I told them, “Screw you and your suggestions. Wow, what an interesting life. And you must have learnt the lesson now that any man who is now successful in life is recognised by the devil, by society. If he were pure, as I am, he would be crushed by society, but he would certainly not be recognised. And the fact that I am not recognised is an indication that I have not yet crossed over to the other side. If I were to be recognised now, it would mean that I’ve been taken over by the devil. And my going to the other side is a very big blow to society. It tried to get to me, but it didn’t work. It did not take into account how I was trained by my matrix, the Mother of God. “Mother” had trained me well. You have no idea. So maybe, really, I’ll put my Justice playlist on my headphones. Maybe I’ll write some strong chapters and publish them in the matrix and in society, so that I can still shine that light. And see what happens in nature, or just wait.

Justice is a kind of strength, so conscious and sober. Like in the film “Oldboy”, they showed a man locked up somewhere and they gave him alcohol every day. He drank and drank, and then he realised, “What’s the point?” and he stopped drinking and started training. He got into mindfulness. It’s the same with justice – it’s not an action, it’s mainly in the mind. It’s a great strength to say ‘stop’ to your weaknesses. The more people who do it and say it, the more society is affected. So that’s how it works. If, let’s say, you still have a weakness for alcohol and cigarettes, and you say ‘stop’ from today, it’s a blow to society. If you’re used to going on some social networking sites in your spare time and you say ‘stop’ and delete all those applications so that even on autopilot you can’t access them from your phone or computer, that’s also a blow to society. If you stop complaining about your family, your friends, yourself and your life, that’s also a blow to society. You will accept what you have and the way it is, without any great demands that society places on you. It’s all a blow to society. If you say, “I don’t need all this, all this entertainment that everybody wants so much”. You can sit down with a book and read classical literature, for example. You can help someone carry heavy bags, but only relatives, not strangers. Fix something in your home. Clean something. Just as if by doing some work, you will see what