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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

qualities and it also affects your environment, how people treat you and how you treat them. And who you have more conflict with and who you have less conflict with. So it’s all such a big interconnection.
I will use myself as an example. I have written about it before, but I will repeat it again. It turns out that we have a solar system. It has all the planets and then there is the Sun, the core. It has flares; it affects the solar system and all the planets. But at the same time where else do we have a flare? It is in the core of the Earth, because this is also the “Sun” for the continents that are floating around this core. And there is a flare there too. But at the same time there is a flare within me. There are also some elements around me, such as people, who are influenced by this flair. So it turns out that the representations are different: the solar system or planet Earth with continents, or let’s say me with people. But they are so connected by threads that if something happens in one, it happens in the others. If I have a conflict with one of the people, it is as if it affects a plan- et or a continent. But that’s figuratively speaking. It’s like that, it’s crooked, in quotes, of course. It’s not exactly like that, but roughly, so you can understand. The way I see it is that I now have to synchronise to such a level that I will be that source. Because when there is a flare somewhere, it manifests everywhere at the same time, in every Sun. All these ‘Suns’, from the smallest to the largest, are all tunnels, like threads, like the eighth corner. Here I have to get into it, but I have to get into the main one of all these threads, to the control panel. So everything one does is already reflected in all the other Suns and I have to get into that one. All these further eruptions will come from me. This connection is already there, but it is as if it is not yet complete. But I have to see it, understand it, learn how to do it, control it and so on. And it turns out that this world is like a matrix everywhere. All these connections of something to something or someone.

Let’s say there’s me and seven people around me. These seven people represent, let’s say, seven lines, seven tribes, seven types of people. It turns out that figuratively speaking – again, it’s just a fictional number – but let’s assume that the whole world of people is only connected to, let’s say, these seven lines, that there are seven groups in total. And it is enough for me that there should be an influence on each of the groups, that is, on all the people on earth, there should be an influence, but purely theoretically. Just seven people are enough,