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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:45 am
by Alexandr Korol
you should say, “That’s not good. I will not do that.” And everyone will tell you you’re an idiot. But who’s going to tell you that? “Agent smith, society, will tell you through these sinful children. In fact, the nature of the system will take into account that you’re normal and that you protected the girl. The girl will live to be ninety, like you, and they will all die. And they’ll die badly. That’s the way it’s going to be. So you can’t do that. You can’t do things like faking a signature or some other paperwork and things like that. You can’t do that.
I’m telling you now that you have a chance to be better, to be cleaner. But the darkness will obliterate them all. And I’m striking the first blow now. It’s only justice. It’s just the way I set myself up. So you can’t wrap up a half-eaten sweet and sell it, or pick up a dirty plate that’s fallen on the floor in a restaurant and bring it to the table. You can’t wipe your hands on your trousers and you can’t put chewing gum under the table, even if you think no one can see it. Imagine you’re at an audition and people are looking at you. So behave. Be a role model for the right person.

Question: You gave an example of a matrix recorded on a mobile phone and displayed on three screens. What changes in the main matrix cause changes on the screens? Could you explain these changes in more detail? For example, if you change one habit for another, what happens, what changes, and how do the other three projections change?

It’s hard to explain because you’ll take my example literally. But they are all, in fact, these examples, living, natural. And they are so individual that there is no basic example. And I might say something that looks silly. For example, if you are not close to elderly people or do not respect them, but if you start to pay attention to them, you will eliminate the health problems you had in the first place. On the contrary, if you solve your health problems, it will affect the way you perceive the world around you and therefore people. It is so interconnected. And it is so interconnected that there is so much matrix within matrix, matrix within matrix, from the smallest to the largest, that you can pay too much attention to something in terms of your body or your health and pay less attention to something in the opposite direction. And this also affects what is in the big matrix. So it affects your organs. It affects your mood. It also affects your