Page 413

Alexandr Korol
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Page 413

Post by Alexandr Korol »

It means that somehow, somewhere, somebody in his family has developed this problem. It’s genetically passed on to him and he’s not working on the problem and he can’t stop himself. The guy is quite young. But he eats like a pig; psycho- logically it is not good to be so addicted to food. I also noticed that there’s a paradox. These people who are 20 years old... I’ve seen people who should be fresh, young and healthy. Those who were fanatical about food, and not just fanatical, but “I’ve got to eat right or I’ll get sick. I’m afraid of getting sick. What if I get sick?” Those who had such a ritualistic, fanatical approach to food, how to eat properly – almost all of them are sick now. While I was eating pizzas and drink- ing sod... You should not take me as an example. I have my own genetics, first of all. And the second thing is strength of mind. That’s also very important. If it is switched off, then of course these things will make you sick. But when you are in the Spirit, even if you drink poison, nothing will affect you. Seriously. I used to give an example like this when I was a child. When I am in the “cosmic” kind of mind, everything is radiated. So it turns out that when a person has faith, that’s what I really noticed with faith, with the power of the Spirit, the main thing for them is to get to the goal. The main thing is the task! And the food is secondary, as they say, “Put it in the oven and go”. And if a person treats it like that, it is as if he has really powerful strength and health. But there are people who even for- get their goals, the tasks of life, and how much importance they attach to their meals. And they are all dead. These people have no spiritual power, no faith. On the contrary, they have some fears, self-love and selfishness. And they ritually treat food with this egoism, self-love. There are egoists who always do sports and there are egoists who always eat in different ways. And they say, “If I don’t eat, I’ll die, I’ll be sick, I will feel bad. But it’s a nightmare. Well, that’s how people are. Also, of course, it’s very much interconnected, and any psychological complex of yours, that you, let’s say, don’t say something, for example, or you lie somewhere, or you’re afraid of something – it can be such an act, as long as you have it, it reflects on your organ, on your health. It can be like that. It can also be reflected in your environment. Everything reflects like that. It is very strange. In general, so that you understand, when a person’s matrix changes – and this is the number of points in the body and around you that can change – the matrix in you changes. That’s what happened to me when I changed the multiverse a long time ago, when I walked through the places of power in 2010 and