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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:52 am
by Alexandr Korol
And then that angle is the angle from which he starts to communicate with you. But how you perceive it is also a question. There are a lot of exceptions, there are a lot of nuances. Maybe your friend comes to me in a ‘substituted’ state of mind, as you described it, and I say to him

– Hey, when was the last time you saw “The Lord of the Rings”?
– That time.
– What was that bald guy’s name?
– Something like that.
– Is there a game like that? Where are all the characters?
– Yes, there is.
And so, you know, I drew his attention to that. So we got into a discussion about computers and fantasy films and games. And he switched to that angle. See, I could change his angle. Of course if he can switch. And if he is fixated on one thing, he is thinking about one thing, something bad, something evil, and wherever you take him: fishing, travelling, whatever you do not touch with him, and he is always thinking about one and the same thing, then of course it is bad. It’s bad if a person is fixated on one thing. You can’t be fixated. It’s bad to be attached to one thing. Then you do not perceive everything else. So I can give you some thoughts. So what is it? Multiverse change, angle, frequency, mood? Well, for normal people it’s just a mood. On the other hand, when the topics of conversation change... You see the mood also changes the topics of conversation. Maybe a man has problems in his relationship, and every time you bring up the subject of women, he gets sad or angry or irritated because he has a conflict there, and he starts to bring up these topics immediately. So he falls into this corner, into this multiverse of his relationships. And if you always talk to him about something that you are passionate about together, for example working on a scientific project, then that is another multiverse and another side of his personality awakens and so on. That’s how it works.

Question: When nature waits for a society to grow and then destroys it, is this a forced measure or a deliberate selection mechanism?

In general, because I have discovered and am discovering too much, it’s like,