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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:53 am
by Alexandr Korol
you know, before, since childhood, I couldn’t explain to people how to answer someone because there are different angles. From your point of view, or from my point of view, or from God’s point of view, then I see several variations of answers at once and I decide which one to describe. That’s one thing. And there is another point that I now know, you see, within the framework of our time, the essence and the meaning of the plan. And there’s also a concept beyond that, which is the next multiverse above. And there’s an even higher one, and there’s more designs out there. And now I see them, I know some points. It turns out that the conception of the universe that we live in now should be, “Oh my God, what a terrible society. It’s bad.” It’s the people in power; they’ve got a lot of in- formation just from people like me, spiritual people, to use to hold on to their throne and to manipulate. And they use all the secret knowledge to enslave everybody, just to make a lot of money. And so there are these elite families, these villains, who have set up this society, who have started to install its frequency, its rhythm. And all those who are connected to them, it is as if they are enslaving them, infecting them. But in fact these people are disconnected from nature, from the real system. That’s why they get sick, that’s why they’re unhappy. And yes, it looks nightmarish. And you can see it all in different ways. I see it more in numbers, like in mathematics. A lot of esoteric people, including Big Alexander, emphasise more that it’s still energy. There is a dark energy that is growing and when it reaches a certain peak the Earth will cleanse itself because they have made a mess of the Earth. The ozone layer is being destroyed by exhaust fumes. People are all fighting, sinning. Everybody doesn’t appreciate nature. Everyone’s gone into these gadgets, everyone’s gone into sin. Actually it’s all people’s fault. And the Earth is sick because of them, and Mother Nature is sick. And now she is going to start rejecting everybody.
This is an illusion, so to speak, within the framework of this world that we live in. And she will have to reject it and cleanse everyone. It has to. And that’s how you have unique musicians and artists coming out of nature – it’s the mother system, it’s this matrix of light, it’s given such talented people who are directly connected to it, and it’s given us something through them. And when we watch it, eat it, listen to it, we are connected to it, to nature. But there are also fake films, fake music, fake things that people make not out of nature but out of this society, out of sin. And if you surround yourself with such people, you start to rot like them. Somehow it’s like that. And that’s in this version.