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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:53 am
by Alexandr Korol
But if we go beyond the boundaries, the One who manages everything, who is God, who already lives there, is doing something, and He is managing everything where we are now. And if we look at all this from another point of view, not from the point of view of a human being, but from the point of view of the One who is beyond this destiny of ours, then it is all calculated; it should be this way: it has already been this way. It is inevitable; it is a certain plan; it is a certain path that all must go through so that more people, those who are light, will never again reach for darkness. And this God who directs all this, it turns out, was in my place. So, let’s say, I have to look the enemy in the face and see that it is society, how it is happening now, how it is taking over the matrix and how I am at war with it. I need all this experience, this is evolution, to become as pure as possible and never to make such mistakes. So it turns out that those who are light should be witnesses of all this, so that they never become darkness again and not be tempted, but be true to nature. In order for a man to maximise his knowledge of this, he must go through such a school in this time in which we live. That’s how I see it. And that is the way it should be behind the scenes, of course. It has to be this way, it has to happen this way. And the dark people are all of them, and they are dark, so they are all finished. The light ones have a future. That’s all. Then there will be new rules, new goals and new tasks.

Question: You touched on the subject of an eventful life. Some people will have an eventful life for a thousand years in fifty years, and some people will have an eventful life for fifty years, as in five years. What is this feeling of eventfulness and how can you increase or decrease it? Maybe you should not chase it, but keep a balance. Or maybe the more satiated you are, the better?

From my position as an observer, everything is in its place. Everyone lives the way they are supposed to, the way they live, the way they perceive the world, the way their life and time flows. There are people who have lived an unreal, super rich, long life for fifty years. It feels unreal, as if they really have five hundred years to live. There were a lot of events and everything, all kinds of experiences, stretched out as if their lives were endless. And there is another person who is fifty years old and he says, “It’s crazy, everything went by so fast, as if it was five years”. There are people like that. I am describing this to you because when you