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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

you come into another multiverse and these are two different worlds, as I always gave as an example, like the world of Harry Potter and the world of truck drivers. And if you’re in the Harry Potter world and you’re focused on magic and you’re dressed like that, can you go out and drink vodka with truck drivers? Some- where on the outskirts of the region on the motorway? No. You won’t. You’re going to say, “Yuck.” Do you understand? And when you go from the world of Harry Potter to the world of truckers, to this multiverse, you will look at these Harry Potter characters and say, “What kind of weirdos are these?” You know? Or you’ll say, “I’m not going to walk around with a wand and wear clothes like that. What am I, a clown or something?” I mean, that’s what you’re going to say. You will have a completely different attitude. Thinking will be different, including thoughts, desires, values and everything in general when a person switches multiverse. So what does that have to do with some of the things you listed, mu- sic, films, hobbies, activities? So it’s a whole life. You have some fears, you have some hobbies, you have some activities, just like you have where you have lived all your life. It’s all the same, it’s just different because you’ve been replaced. Look, let’s say there are two intellectual readers. One lives and works some- where in Los Angeles and earns $50,000 a month. And the other one, let’s say, lives in Sochi and earns 70,000 rubles. They are two different worlds. And these people probably brush their teeth differently. And just imagine, you swap them. And everything would change. You’d even have different tastes, even in people. For example, you are a woman and you like men with moustaches. Then, out of the blue, you will suddenly be disgusted by a man with a beard or moustache. Or you’ve always liked, let’s say, fat men, and now you have an aversion to fat men. So in one multiverse you like a fat man and in another you don’t. That’s how it happens. In one multiverse you want a man to be smart and not care what he looks like. And in the other multiverse, you care what he looks like. You don’t care what he can say or can’t say. So it’s different. In the other multiverse there is lust, the desire to sit at home and do nothing. But again, this is me describing how people used to live and how the world was organised all my life. What didn’t people know? I am just writing this to open your eyes. But in this case we are not claiming a multiverse right now. In this case, you already have your own worlds that you live in, and you live in them. I sometimes correct them when I suddenly list some elements that can attract you to something bad. And some moments