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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:58 am
by Alexandr Korol
I describe, which on the contrary can increase your level of life and security, I advise you these elements. And I use them myself. And like everything, you live where you live, where you live. Sometimes you put things in order and that’s it, that’s your world. Then, in order to have a dynamic for attention, memory and awareness, in order not to have dementia, to see life from the outside, to feel yourself and perceive everything, in addition to your material and real life, you abstract yourself from it, as if you’re going into a kind of massage, nirvana, that’s when you immerse yourself in my books, give attention to your inner “I”. In that moment you become zero, you go into this reserve, you go into this “corridor” that opens your eyes to life, that gives you the opportunity, like me, this angle of perception zero, to see some flaws in your life, in the real material life that you live in. Gives you the opportunity to see the crooks that are hurting you or to see the mistakes that you are making. That’s what this zero and zeroing is for. I always go to that zero; from that point of view I look at my life, at the work of life, I fix what is good, what is bad and so on. I put things in order.

Question: You said that memory is personality. In the series “Travellers” there is a moment when a girl is overwritten, her memory is erased and she becomes a different person. You also mentioned that when you move to another multiverse, the memory of the past is like a fog, like a dream, and is generally forgotten. Is it not the case that not all people are able to retain any memory of themselves from another world at all? As if because of the fact that they are half-formed. They don’t even have a conventional cell for these different worlds, where they can store them. And can a person’s memory be an indicator that they have a more integral matrix if they remember all the parts of their life?

What do you mean by that? Well, in the sense that you would take the most low frequency people as an example and say: “Well, they don’t seem to be able to travel through the multiverse”. So they don’t even... Let’s put it this way: they never knew about it, and they won’t even know about it. So why are you even thinking about them, those primitive people? That’s one thing.
Secondly, in terms of memory, there are so many “yes, but” questions. Because on one hand I wrote that the only thing I have is memory. Everything else is just connected to something and transmitted. Then I’m in one multiverse,