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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:59 am
by Alexandr Korol
so I’m one person, and then I’m in another multiverse, so I’m another person. It’s really different people. That’s why a lot of people didn’t recognise me; I was emitting a different code. And memory is the only thing I have. But again, why did I write like that? It’s when I’m “zero” that I can see myself from the outside and the whole life line, or rather all the life lines I’ve lived. But it’s when I’m in “zero”, when I’m in the “corridor” – and that’s when I start to remember all this, because every segment of time that I look at on my map, that I draw on a piece of paper – I connect there. It’s already happening and I’m travelling between multiverses. Imagine I write about 2006 – 2010 and I start to remember it and only then do I connect to it and become that person and go into that multiverse. But I wouldn’t be able to remember it and see it if I wasn’t doing it now from “zero” and the “corridor”, you know? If I had a different personality now, in 2020 for example, how would I be able to remember what happened in 2010 if I wasn’t there? I was a different me, you know? It is important that you visualise this for yourself. You have to understand all this time. With all these interesting stories, I am just teaching you to orient yourself in this matrix, in these geometric lines and points and intersections. It turns out that when I am ‘zero’ and in a “corridor”, I can look at something for a while, concentrate there and become like that. That’s how it happens. But if I am closed – and closed is when I am not in a “corridor”, but when I am just in someone else’s world, in someone else’s multiverse – then some periods of time will be impossible for me to remember and very difficult, like a mist, because I was not there. That’s why somebody doesn’t remember their three or five years of life, because those three or five years of life that you don’t remember – that was a different you. And you will only remember it clearly, easily, when you become like that again.
On the other hand, when you’re only in someone else’s multiverse, I wrote that all, the other multiverses are erased, like a past life, so you can hardly remember it, like a mist. It’s really like that. Because you only remember the vibration that you are on, this life line that you are connected to, you focus your attention, your consciousness on it, because you are connected to it. And you can only remember those times on that lifeline. And people, and everything, and all transmissions in general. You have all moved between the multiverses unconsciously because that is the way it works; your development, education and maturation is based on the multiverse. And you have had these transitions yourself.