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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:59 am
by Alexandr Korol
Because everything that you had and then did not have, or vice versa, is also a multiverse. It’s just that all the versions of the variants are already drawn, and then when something happens, you go to some version. And you, maybe, if you have this nostalgia, it also happens that... Imagine that for the last 5 or 10 years you have been living in a new multiverse, in some last one that you are living in right now. You’ve been living in it for 5 or 10 years. And if you think about some people, think about what you want to do, think about what you want to eat or what you want to listen to, where you want to go, it’s all going to be within this limited multiverse that you’re in today. But if we dive into nostalgia with you today... And nostalgia is what? It is just you returning to another multiverse where you are no longer in your youth or childhood. You come back because you have an associative memory of some songs or films that I’m going to include. So you start to connect to that multiverse, that personality starts to awaken in you, at least for a while while we talk like this, and you start to remember all the things you have forgotten because you have connected to that lifeline, to that past multiverse. And that’s why you immediately start to remember your classmate, any classmate, then any neighbour, or any ex. Because they are all still there and they start to appear in your mind because you are connected again in that lifeline, in that multiverse. And you may immediately have desires to eat differently, to drink differently, to go to different places. It’ll all come up. But in the end, the next day, you will forget all of that because you will return to your multiverse that you have been living in for the last few years. And it’ll all just sort of fade from your mind. That’s why you can’t do something, or you can’t meet someone, even though you seem to be doing almost everything for it, it doesn’t work out. It is because it is in another, correct reality that the work is going somewhere or that the desire for something is there. You dream of sit- ting down at a musical instrument and you can’t do it. But you want to, and you remember doing it as a child. And you can’t do it because you are in this multi- verse where it doesn’t exist. And you’re not connected to the multiverse where it is, let’s say, music, people, opportunities and so on. In one multiverse there is one thing, in another multiverse there is another thing. You should at least start looking more consciously at what is there. I understand your human factor of primitive thinking. Of course you have this childish, naive excitement and so on. And you’re immediately curious about something new. But at least define