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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:01 pm
by Alexandr Korol
Let’s put it this way: exit is also a relative concept. On one hand, I’ve been look- ing for an exit all my life. Let’s look at the whole situation in a different way, so that you don’t get confused. And it’ll be easier for you. I was born just like you were born. Well, I mean, I scraped my knees, I tripped, I ate something, I had a stomachache, I was sick with something. I might have had conflicts with someone at school. I mean, I’m just a normal person like you and all the people around me. But as it happens, when we look at films – and films are very good at showing life from the outside – it happens that my life is different from other people’s. But it’s also different for other people. Some of my classmates are now collecting bottles in the courtyard. Some have gone abroad, some have drunk themselves to death. Some have lots of children, and some are successful. It’s the same everywhere, all over the world. And if I remember correctly, I just liked it. It really resonated with me, like it’s very similar to me. It’s the first “Transformers” movie with Shia LaBeouf. His character brings some stuff to school and starts selling it in class, and he sells his grandfather’s glasses. And he’s this funny guy all by himself. I was that funny guy. I was on my own at school. And I always had adventures. And when the Transformers came to him, that’s my story. Who would believe that or think that it would happen to me and not some cool jock with abs, a football player who’s a high school All-American? And it happened to me, to Shia LaBeouf. You know?
And from the fact that it happened to me and it did happen to me, of course I was looking for an explanation for it. But it’s not like I’m some special person who knows everything that I flew here on a flying saucer. No, I’m just like you. I understand everything too, it’s just that you don’t understand something to the extent of your development and I don’t understand it to the extent of mine. We’re a bit different. I simply could not sleep in this society or in this matrix, like many people, since childhood. That means I could not fall under these influences. They put me in there and I couldn’t be in that system. It was like something knocked me out, that I was in this “corridor” anyway, like a crazy kind of clarity of seeing everything. It was like I could see people repeating the same words, that they had the same interests and phrases. I mean, I started to realise that it’s not real. Or maybe it’s real, but it’s primitive. But why do I see it and others don’t? Because I have a different intelligence, a different way of thinking and a higher level of efficiency. I process information more quickly.