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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:05 pm
by Alexandr Korol
divided into seven planets and our core is divided into seven continents – these are all stages of something. And maybe it’s the same with human beings. But again, we can get confused because physically it will not be Petya, Vasya or Masha around you. You want to see it the same way and so you get confused.
But purely theoretically, just in terms of the code, we can assume that if I am, let’s say, this Sun, then it will also be around me, spreading this light, in stages of me, as I have written. There will be people around me, from the oldest version of me to the next version of me. And it’s all somehow divided into shades. But they are all parts of me. If you change them, you change me. And if I change, they change. That’s also true. So where do we go from here? Have I done this in my practice? Have I observed what happens to people when I change them or when I change? I’ve only observed that I change and everything around me changes. That’s true. Was it that I changed the people around me and then I felt different about myself? What changed in me was this matrix – yes, I felt that too. But it’s all on the level of feelings. I cannot dig any further. It is a good reflection, but it is already a reflection when I sit in the Spirit. Then, yes, all this will be revealed.

Question: Time only works one way – if you change something in the past, it affects the future?

Yes and no. I think it’s still... The amount of information I’ve written to you so far is just incredible information. There’s a lot of it, it’s crazy, it’s cool, it all fits together, it all adds up and it all unfolds. I think it’s still the “blossoms” in general. It’s still a small thing compared to what can be revealed. Because I don’t understand what time we are living in now. Is it the middle or is it the end and the beginning of a new one? Do you know what I mean? The point is that there are small cycles, big cycles, big multi-cycles and small cycles. There are also big eras and small eras, you know? It’s all in theory, it’s an outline and it’s not certain. It’s not exact, but it’s a thought going around in my head. Look. One of the possibilities is that it’s the middle of the world. So there’s a line from A to B, point A on the left, point B on the right, there’s a point in the middle – this point ‘and’ It’s like it’s the middle of the world. I have this understanding that it’s the centre of the world. And that as if something is about to happen, some kind of leap, that this key point is the centre of the world where I appear, this