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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:06 pm
by Alexandr Korol
continue to live. And there is no fixation. Or there is, but then it is somehow different that we live on as a civilisation now that we have entered a new era. We live on that nothing bad happened, countries started to live peacefully, progress in technology is crazy, people got rid of sins, people are healthy, live long, develop and build plates and cars and we live like that. But that’s us in such a line, let’s say, right now. Perhaps it is this transition? And here, in the old times, maybe there will be a real catastrophe and devastation. It could be like that. Maybe there will be catastrophe and devastation and we will just learn to come back to this time again and again. And there will be this paradox that we will become these aliens from the future trying to get in here to save somebody or to get somebody into our lifeline, back to us, to a future where there is no destruction, where there is technology and fewer people will die, who will die. Maybe it will be like that. And it turns out that it’s as if we’re going into this line, as if we’re going into a new looped ball, into a new era, and this old ball will remain, a ring, a cycle, this loop in which people now live, and here, let’s say, it will be. Eventually there will be a catastrophe, but we will not see it. There will be dinosaurs again, and all this will be repeated. And then there will be the Middle Ages again, and we will just interfere from the future, where we are doing well, but we will have technology and we will go back and interfere. So there are still quite a lot of versions. And we can’t know what the real one will be. The only positive thing we can say is that if we didn’t have a future, we wouldn’t be talking about it now. So we have one. It’s already beautiful. So you can think positively.

About how time works. There’s a theory based on all this. I just had to explain to you first that there is an assumption that it is quite possible to influence not only the past but also the future if we live in the centre of the world, in the centre of a cycle or a matrix, in a central period of time. There is such a theory. But why? Because, as I have already written to you, if I do something now, it will affect the future. But don’t forget, the future will also affect the past if we are in a time loop. What if it’s still a ring... I mean, it turns out that if we find dinosaur digs now, it means that in the future, eventually, dinosaurs will appear, as I told you, it’s already been confirmed, from radiation. So something was radioactive, there were dinosaurs, so we are already finding them. These are the traces of our future. So our past is the trace of the future. So we can influence the past.